Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union

Live Blog

Right out of the gate, George W. Bush addresses fiscal responsibility. He intends to limit the growth of government spending while eliminating 150 wasteful government programs.

*Real courage from a spendaholic president. Lets start with scaling back the $400 billion defense budget.

Touches on frivolous lawsuits/ tort reform

*Nothing new here


Make healthcare affordable: comprehensive healthcare program, w/credits for low income workers, increased health savings accounts, medical liability reform, credit for small business owners.

*The only answer to the problem is universal healthcare.


The big ticket item, Social Security: claims that SS is heading toward bankruptcy. Claims that by 2018, SS will be taking in less than it is paying out. Also claiming that by 2042 the entire system will be completely bankrupt.

*This is simply not true. Talk about fuzzy math. Try looking at the Congresional Budget Office (CBO) numbers - oh that's right, he doesn't read. Maybe Rove can read the summary to him. *This statement received many groans and boos from the Democrats.

For those over 55 years old, the system will not change in any way.

*Except the decrease in benefits... don't worry about it - trust me!

Possible options on the table: indexing pymts to price index, cutting benefits, raising the retirement age.

Does not want to increase payroll taxes.

For young people, voluntary personal retirement accts: allowing younger workers to set aside part of the amount that is currently taken out. Allows you to will that $$ to children/grandchildren. The $$ will be the employees. Up to 4% of total payroll tax. Claims this will extend "ownership" to young americans.

*"Ownership society" is one of those phrases that really has no meaning. Lets substitute "Unbridled Capitalism" or "Gift to Wall Street" - yee haw!!


Marriage: supports constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage.

*Emabracing the evangelical/christian stance against gay marriage


Wants judicial appts to receive an up/down vote


Proposes initiative to keep young men out of gangs.

1st lady will head a broad effort to reach out to faith based amd community orgs to promote literacy, etc.


Expansion of the use of DNA evidence to prevent wrongful conviction.


Here we go...the glory of war and all of our wonderful military prowess

We will stay on the offensive against terrorism "until the fight is won"... is that possible?

The U.S. will continue to build coalitions to create peace and combat terrorism.

Our ultimate goal is to end tyranny in our world. *Lofty goal - not realistic

The U.S. does not want to impose our form of government on anyone else. *that is what we say, not what we do.

Palestine: $350 million for palestinian economic and institutional reform
*I thought we had completely forgotten about the Palestinians

Egypt and Saudi Arabia: to lead the charge of democracy in the middle east

Syria: end all support for terror and open the door for freedom
*A warning to Syria, you are on the list!

Iran: give up uranium enrich program and plutonium reprocessing *Another warning, remember the "Axis"


Iraq: fighting terrorism in Iraq so we do not have to face them here at home...
*he cant actually believe this tired old line. Saying it over and over still doesn't make it true.

Praises the Iraqi elections. Iraqi's have earned our respect for their courage in voting.

Safia Taleb Al-Suhail, Iraqi human rights activist, was one of the Iraqi's brought to the SOTU address and received a standing ovation.
*I have a warm and fuzzy feeling

Will not set an artificial timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.

Iraq must meet criteria before we move on (democracy/representation, security, no threat to neighbors) *It doesn't look like we will be withdrawing anytime soon.

Will help injured U.S. soldiers recover (standing ovation from joint chiefs)
*It took alot of complaining by Republicans and Democrats to get this one rolling

Honors fallen soldier Sgt. Byron Norwood of Flugerville TX, parents in audience seated behind 1st lady. Mother receives hug from Iraqi, Safia Taleb Al-Suhail. (Long standing ovation) (President had tears in his eyes)

Other lesser topics
Environment: more homegrown energy, more nuclear production, ethanol,
promoting his clear skies legislation

Reform tax code: bi-partisan panel working on refoms to tax code.

Immigration: temporary guest worker program, tighter border control


The Prez was interupted 61 times by applause.

Overall, not terribly inspiring. Good delivery.

Best moment: tearful embrace of Iraqi and fallen soldiers mother.

*Full text of the State of the Union speech is located here.

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