Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bush "approves" of Cheney's explanation

Today GW Bush went on the record as approving of Dick Cheney's explanation of the shooting incident last weekend that left Harry Whittington in the hospital. For those unfamiliar, Cheney accidentally shot Whittington while quail hunting in Texas. Almost 24 hours later, the owner of the quail hunting ranch gave a statement to the local Corpus Christi newspaper.

After almost five days of silence, Cheney gave an interview to Fox News anchor Brit Hume where he discussed the trauma of the incident - for both he and Whittington - but felt the way the incident was handled with the media and the use of the ranch owner as administration spokesperson was the proper course of action.

This is what the administration does not get:
  1. It is obvious to anyone that this was indeed an accident
  2. When an elected official is invloved in an accident, especially a shooting, it is best that the information be released to the public quickly (get your version out there first)
  3. Appoint someone from the administration/press office as spokesperson - not a private citizen whose version of events differs from the VP's
  4. Don't wait almost five days to have the VP make a statement. It makes him appear as if he feels he is unaccountable to the american people AND it inflames the media (just ask Scott McLellan)

On it's face, this is just a terrible accident. No one personally condemns Cheney (though his gun handing skills are in question). The larger problem is the way in which this administration simply waits to see how the media and public reacts to a situation and then measures the level of "spin" necessary to quiet dissent.

As is well documented, this is one of the most secretive and unforthcoming administrations in history. They feel no direct obligation to the american people, despite the overuse of self-serving jingoistic phrases. The hunting accident is just another another, sillier example.

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Blogger badthing1 said...

In MY opinion, both VP Chaney AND Mr. Whittington were at fault, since as hunters they should know and have strictly adhered to the rules of hunting.

VP Chaney was fortunate for three reasons:

1) The two men are very good friends.

2) Mr. Whittington didn't die of his heart attack.

3) President Bush didn't go hunting with them that day.

10:24 PM  

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